Publication Charges

Processing charges Details:

Manuscript handling charges are as follows:
For Indian authors
2550 INR
For Other Countries Authors
65 USD
Hard Coy Charges
3050 INR/ 75 USD
Annual Publication / Subscription for Indian Authors and International Authors:
Author Category Annual Fee Research Paper / Review Paper / Article / Case Study….etc
Indian Author 25000 INR 6 Issue Per Year
International Author 750 USD 6 Issue Per Year
Different ways of depositing fees
There are following different ways of depositing fees for the publication of accepted articles. IJMCER’s author can choose anyone according to his/her suitability.

»By depositing fees in near bank branch; With the acceptance letter, author receives the account information. Anyone can deposit fees directly by going nearby bank branch in that account number.

» By online net banking; Author can also use this way for depositing fees in the given account in acceptance letter by activating their net banking option.

»Paypal; This is another alternate way for the author to depositing fees. you can depositing fees by credit card/debit card/visa card/master card as follows online process.

»Hard Copy Charges; If author wants hard copy of Journal, they required to pay extra charges.